Updating The Maximum File Size

By default, the maximum file size for log files in the CatLog library is set to 100 MB. However, this value can be changed to suit your specific needs. The MaxFileSize property is a public static property that allows you to set the maximum size of the log files. This property is defined in the Log.Settings class and its value is in bytes.

Here's an example of how you can change the maximum file size for log files in your project:

using UnityEngine;
using CatLog;

public class CustomLogBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
    private void Start()
        // Modify the MaxFileSize property to change the maximum size of log files
        Log.Settings.MaxFileSize = 1024 * 1024 * 150; // 150 MB

Note: Keep in mind that increasing the maximum file size will result in larger log files. This can be beneficial for debugging purposes but it will also consume more disk space. Make sure to choose an appropriate size that fits your needs.

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